St. Louis City - ST Louis, Missouri - Public School District
Phone - 314-231-3720
St. Louis City School District
801 N 11th STST Louis, MO 63101-1401
County: St. Louis City
Mailing Address:
801 N 11th ST
ST Louis, MO 63101-1401
ST Louis, MO 63101-1401
Public Schools in This District
Adams Elem.
Ames Visual/Perf. Arts
Ashland Elem. And Br.
Baden Elem.
Banneker Elem.
Beaumont High
Blewett Middle
Blow Middle Community Ed. Ctr.
Bryan Hill Elem.
Buder Elem.
Bunche International Studies
Busch/academic-Athletic Acad.
Cardinal Glennon Hospital
Career Academy
Carr Lane Vpa Middle
Carver Elem. Comm. Ed. Ctr.
Central Visual/Perf. Arts High
Clark Elem.
Clay Elem.
Cleveland Njrotc Academy
Cole Elem.
Columbia Elem. Comm. Ed. Ctr.
Community Access Job Training
Compton-Drew Ilc Middle
Confluence Academies
Construction Careers Ctr.
Cook Elem.
Cote Brilliante Elem.
Cupples Elem.
Des Peres Middle
Dewey Sch.-Internat'l. Studies
Dunbar And Br.
Earl Nance Sr. Elem.
Elias Michael Elem.
Eliot Elem.
Emerson Elem.
Ethel Hedgeman Lyle Academy
Euclid Montessori
External Location
Fanning Middle Community Ed.
Farragut Elem.
Ford-Ford Br. Elem. Comm. Ed.
Froebel Elem.
Gallaudet Sch. For Deaf Elem.
Garfield Elem.
Gateway Elem.
Gateway High
Gateway Michael High
Gateway Middle
Griscom Detention Ctr.
Gundlach Elem.
Hamilton Elem. Community Ed.
Hempstead Elem.
Henry Elem.
Herzog Elem.
Hickey Elem.
Hodgen Elem.
Humboldt Middle
Jackson Elem.
Jefferson Elem.
Kennard/Classical Jr. Acad.
Kottmeyer Early Child. Ctr.
L'ouverture Middle
Laclede Elem.
Lafayette Elem.
Langston Middle
Lexington Elem.
Lift For Life Academy
Long Middle Community Ed. Ctr.
Lowell Elem.
Lyon Academy - Basic Instr.
Madison I.g.e. Elem.
Mallinckrodt A.b.i. Elem.
Mann Elem.
Mark Twain Elem.
Marshall Elem.
Mason Elem.
Mckinley/Classical Jr. Acad.
Meda P. Washington Educ. Ctr.
Mel Carnahan Middle
Meramec Elem.
Metro High
Mitchell Elem.
Monroe Elem.
Mullanphy Botanical Gardens
Northwest Middle
Nottingham Middle Comm. Ed.
Oak Hill Elem.
Peabody Elem.
Pruitt Military Academy
Roe Elem.
Roosevelt High
Scruggs Elem.
Scullin Elem.
Shaw Visual/Perf. Arts Ctr.
Shenandoah Elem.
Shepard Elem.
Sherman Elem. Comm. Ed. Ctr.
Sigel Elem. Comm. Ed. Ctr.
Simmons Elem.
Soldan International Studies
St. Louis Charter Academies
St. Louis Charter Sch.
St. Louis Children's Hospital
Stevens Middle Community Ed.
Stix Early Childhood Ctr.
Stowe Middle
Sumner High
Thurgood Marshall Academy
Tri-A Outreach
Turner Middle Sch. And Br.
Vashon High
Vo. Tech. Tuition
Walbridge Elem. Community Ed.
Walnut Park Elem.
Waring A.b.i. Elem.
Washington Montessori
Webster Middle
Wilkinson Early Childhood Ctr.
Williams Middle Community Ed.
Woerner Elem.
Woodward Elem.
Work Study-Attendance
Wyman Elem.
Yeatman Middle Community Ed.
Youthbuild St. Louis Charter
Ames Visual/Perf. Arts
Ashland Elem. And Br.
Baden Elem.
Banneker Elem.
Beaumont High
Blewett Middle
Blow Middle Community Ed. Ctr.
Bryan Hill Elem.
Buder Elem.
Bunche International Studies
Busch/academic-Athletic Acad.
Cardinal Glennon Hospital
Career Academy
Carr Lane Vpa Middle
Carver Elem. Comm. Ed. Ctr.
Central Visual/Perf. Arts High
Clark Elem.
Clay Elem.
Cleveland Njrotc Academy
Cole Elem.
Columbia Elem. Comm. Ed. Ctr.
Community Access Job Training
Compton-Drew Ilc Middle
Confluence Academies
Construction Careers Ctr.
Cook Elem.
Cote Brilliante Elem.
Cupples Elem.
Des Peres Middle
Dewey Sch.-Internat'l. Studies
Dunbar And Br.
Earl Nance Sr. Elem.
Elias Michael Elem.
Eliot Elem.
Emerson Elem.
Ethel Hedgeman Lyle Academy
Euclid Montessori
External Location
Fanning Middle Community Ed.
Farragut Elem.
Ford-Ford Br. Elem. Comm. Ed.
Froebel Elem.
Gallaudet Sch. For Deaf Elem.
Garfield Elem.
Gateway Elem.
Gateway High
Gateway Michael High
Gateway Middle
Griscom Detention Ctr.
Gundlach Elem.
Hamilton Elem. Community Ed.
Hempstead Elem.
Henry Elem.
Herzog Elem.
Hickey Elem.
Hodgen Elem.
Humboldt Middle
Jackson Elem.
Jefferson Elem.
Kennard/Classical Jr. Acad.
Kottmeyer Early Child. Ctr.
L'ouverture Middle
Laclede Elem.
Lafayette Elem.
Langston Middle
Lexington Elem.
Lift For Life Academy
Long Middle Community Ed. Ctr.
Lowell Elem.
Lyon Academy - Basic Instr.
Madison I.g.e. Elem.
Mallinckrodt A.b.i. Elem.
Mann Elem.
Mark Twain Elem.
Marshall Elem.
Mason Elem.
Mckinley/Classical Jr. Acad.
Meda P. Washington Educ. Ctr.
Mel Carnahan Middle
Meramec Elem.
Metro High
Mitchell Elem.
Monroe Elem.
Mullanphy Botanical Gardens
Northwest Middle
Nottingham Middle Comm. Ed.
Oak Hill Elem.
Peabody Elem.
Pruitt Military Academy
Roe Elem.
Roosevelt High
Scruggs Elem.
Scullin Elem.
Shaw Visual/Perf. Arts Ctr.
Shenandoah Elem.
Shepard Elem.
Sherman Elem. Comm. Ed. Ctr.
Sigel Elem. Comm. Ed. Ctr.
Simmons Elem.
Soldan International Studies
St. Louis Charter Academies
St. Louis Charter Sch.
St. Louis Children's Hospital
Stevens Middle Community Ed.
Stix Early Childhood Ctr.
Stowe Middle
Sumner High
Thurgood Marshall Academy
Tri-A Outreach
Turner Middle Sch. And Br.
Vashon High
Vo. Tech. Tuition
Walbridge Elem. Community Ed.
Walnut Park Elem.
Waring A.b.i. Elem.
Washington Montessori
Webster Middle
Wilkinson Early Childhood Ctr.
Williams Middle Community Ed.
Woerner Elem.
Woodward Elem.
Work Study-Attendance
Wyman Elem.
Yeatman Middle Community Ed.
Youthbuild St. Louis Charter
St. Louis City School District Data
County of Location: | St. Louis City |
Number of Schools in This District: | 108 |
Student/Teacher ratio: | 12.7 |
Total Students Pre Kindergarten - 12 Grade: | 40,827 |
Total Males: | 20,639 |
Total Females: | 19,684 |
American Indian Students: | 52 |
Asian/Pacific Islanders : | 586 |
African Americans: | 32,828 |
Hispanic: | 599 |
White: | 6,258 |
Total Staff: | 6,730 |
Fulltime Teachers: | 3,227 |
Ungraded Teachers: | 0 |
Pre Kindergarten Teachers: | 100 |
Kindergarten Teachers: | 170 |
Elementary Teachers: | 1,408 |
Secondary Teachers: | 1,549 |
Elementary Guidance Counselors: | 62 |
Secondary Guidance Counselors: | 79 |
Total Guidance Counselors: | 141 |
LEA Administrators: | 28 |
School Administrators: | 163 |
LEA Admin Support Staff: | 319 |
School Admin Support Staff: | |
Student Support Services Staff: | 202 |
Other Support Staff: | 1,839 |
Library Media Support Staff: | |
Librarians Media Specialists: | 83 |
Instructional Aides - Total: | 581 |
Instructional Coordinators: | 148 |